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Multiple Positions, Health4TheWorld

Health4TheWorld is a Bay Area award-winning nonprofit that is dedicated to promoting health through education, media, and technology solutions in underprivileged communities in 110 countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been working on making culturally sensitive documentaries to raise awareness for ending this pandemic in the different populations we serve. Our global physician and patient community is helping us with this. We have more than 150 doctors from leading academic institutions in the United States, such as Harvard and Stanford, who have volunteered to spread reliable information during this time.

Description: We are looking for volunteer faculty, students, and summer interns who can help us with the creation of short films and documentaries in regards to COVID-19. We are in need of film editors, animators, producers, etc. Time commitment can range from a few hours/week to a summer internship to more if there is interest.


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